Founded in 1998, JP Farms is a breeder of high quality Dutch Warmbloods in the midwest. Check back here soon for more info. In the interim, visit our FaceBook page.
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Founded in 1998, JP Farms is a breeder of high quality Dutch Warmbloods in the midwest. Check back here soon for more info. In the interim, visit our FaceBook page.
2005 KWPN Geld. (Jazz x Fiana [KWPN Elite] - Sultan)
2005 KWPN Geld. (Contango x Fiana [KWPN Elite] - Sultan)
2005 KWPN Geld. (Jazz x Fiana [KWPN Elite] - Sultan)
2008 KWPN Geld. (Rousseau x Sologne - Sandro Hit)
2005 KWPN Geld. (Jazz x Fiana [KWPN Elite] - Sultan)
2008 KWPN Geld. (Rousseau x Sologne - Sandro Hit)
2005 KWPN Geld. (Contango x Fiana [KWPN Elite] - Sultan)
2007 KWPN Geld. (UB40 x Liana - Ramiro)